Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Value priorities and how the Sexes differ?

        The battle between the relationships and the sexes has always been complex many have tried to research it but across the board there has never been research done that encompasses a wide variety of nationalities and cultures. However, a pretty cool article written at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem finally decided it was time to render an opinion that spoke for the male and female race more so as a whole. It digs deeper into whether or not the confusion is if women give more importance to their values than men or if there are universal differences at all.

       There are some values that are similar within almost all cultures. -power:social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources -achievement: personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards -hedonism: pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself -stimulation: excitement, novelty, and challenge in life -self-direction: independent thought and action choosing, creating exploring -universalism: understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature -benevolence: preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people with who, one is in frequent personal contact -tradition: respect, commitment and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religion provide the self -conformity: restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms -security: safety, harmony, and stability of society of relationships and of self.(1010-1011)

    To ensure diversity samples were taken from university students in 70 different countries, adults from 15 countries and 19 European countries and Israel. Two different methods were used: Personal Values Questionnaire and Schwartz value survey.

          The results showed show that women give more importance to universalism, benevolence and security and men to stimulation and power. Unfortunately, after reading this nineteen page article these results were not surprising. So many times men and women try to say they hate the stereotypes and placed upon them but how can they complain when they are living proof of the stereotypes we see. It seems that no matter where you go men and women remain the same, Although the language  may be foreign to our ears or the food may taste different to our mouths universally we are the same. Next time you sit down to think about our society and how its so different from others at our roots are we the same.


-Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Schwartz, Shalom H. , Rubel, Tammy
       2005.  Vol. 89 No. 6, 1010-1018. Apr 20, 2012
 < http://csaweb106v.csa.com/ids70/display_fulltext_html.php?SID=i4knd3tb9h054v466s8ufq43c7&db=psycarticles-set-c&an=2005-16185-013&f1=0022-3514%2C89%2C6%2C1010%2C2005&key=PSP%2F89%2Fpsp_89_6_1010&is=0022-3514&jv=89&ji=6&jp=1010-1028&sp=1010&ep=1028&year=2005&mon=12&day=0022-3514%2C89%2C6%2C1010%2C2005>


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